After feedback from a number of Almoners on the inconvenience of Saturday morning training sessions, we have listened, and have arranged for the 2019 training to be held in the evening. Two sessions will be held – one at Harrow and the other at Twickenham – and they are timed to ensure that everyone can be away by 9.00PM if they wish.
This is the booking page for:
On both occasions, tea and coffee will be available beforehand, and the bar will be open afterwards.
The trainer will be Mike Martin, Provincial Engagement Manager, Masonic Support Programme, at the Masonic Charitable Foundation. Also a Freemason, Mike is a very experienced member of MCF staff and is an engaging speaker. He will be explaining the range of services the MCF offers, and he will also give advice on how best to make your members aware of them. There will also be a question and answer session
Who should attend? Lodge and Chapter Almoners (wives and partners are also welcome), also any member of your Lodge or Chapter being considered for an Almoner role in the foreseeable future.